
Citizen Science Project

Please tell me your Genius/Magic Hour Idea: Link

Class Agenda:

  1. Reflect on Meaningful Learning – Authentic
  2. Introduce Citizen Science Project
  3. Explore Citizen Science (Google Slide Link)
  4. Benefit for Education
  5. Brainstorm your group Citizen Science Project Idea.
  • Come up with a question for your group to answer. The question should be answered by collecting data.  (Be specific, include location, time, etc)
  • Questions can be anything related to the UGA campus and its “inhabitants.”
  • Record a Flipgrid video to introduce your project:
    • Introduce your citizen science project (it needs a clever name). The video should include all group members. Your video can’t exceed 3 minutes.
    • Your video should answer the following questions:
      • What is your project?
      • How will the participants collect data for the project? (Where, when, and how) You may want to model the process so your participants can understand better.
      • Why it is important to do this project?
      • How will you use the data to benefit the campus/community?

Maker Space Tools

Image result for bulldog uga

Laser cutting:


engraving files: .pdf, .jpg, .png  have strong contrast- black and while photos are always better.

You can turn your photos into Black and White by using Pixlr

  1. Import the picture into Pixlr: File – open image
  2.  Turn the picture into black and white: Adjustment- Destruate
  3.  Increase the contrast: Adjustment – Brightness & Contrast
  4.  Make detailer more defined and sharper: Filter – Unsharp Mask
  5. Save your photo as jpeg or png and put it into your flash drive.

Center Works

  • Green Screen
  • Things that moves
  • Ozobot
  • 3D pen
  • Magic

2/6 Makerspace Education

PPT Link

3D Printing:

  • Tools for 3D printing: To design and create your own 3D printing object, you need to use the online tool (Tinkercad). After finishing your design, export your work as .STL file for 3D printing. The staff in Science library will help you print it out.
  • Resources:
    •  If you want to use some 3D templates, you can go to this website:  Thingiverse  If your download is a compressed ZIP file, you can usually find an STL file inside. You need to use Tinkercad  to customize the template.
    •  Basic Tutorial for Tinkercad:     link ( You can login Lynda.com by using uga    portal. It requires you to type “www.uga.edu” with your uga account. )
    •  Youtube  Examples:
      • How to create a 3D nametag: linkScreen Shot 2017-10-05 at 11.34.24 AM.png
      • How to create a 3D cup with your name on it: link
  • Preparation for Thursday: Before you go to science library, do not forget to store the .STL file in your flash drive.

Homework: (Due Date Feb 19,)

1.  Try to finish your own 3D design. If you can finish it before Thursday class, we can ask science librarian to print your work out during our visit. Since it takes probably 20 minutes to print each, we may not have enough time to let everyone finish 3D printing. Sign-up sheet.

2.  Write two design journals on your website.

Design Journal #1 (After finishing your design with Tinkercad)

Design Journal #2 (After printing your real 3D product out)


You should include at least 1 picture in your journal demonstrating your working process, and  2-3 paragraphs of your design process.